Over the years, I have learned various ways to “trick“ myself into writing. Sometimes, I tell myself that I’m just going into my writing space to turn on some music. Or, I tell myself that I’m just gonna write for 30 minutes. Sitting in the chair helps. Often, the best thing for me, is to set aside a block of time on my daily calendar in my phone. It makes me more accountable, but also respectable to myself and my work. Like, dude, writing is a job. You deserve the time. Be the boss. Make the time, etc. It also keeps my husband from bothering me while I work!! But, I never considered a donut bribe, lol! They’d just put me right into a sugar coma.

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Yes - i do think scheduling it on your calendar is key for many of us. I also should have added that staying off social media & email while writing is a good idea. I put my phone on silent (might have to add this). One donut after a regular meal is how I manage not to go into a sugar coma!

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Love the idea of donut as reasonable reward!

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Hoping to get it today! But probably will need at least a couple of days to finish the chapter-in-progress. Thank you for reading, Aviya!

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